Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Today is Your Birthday...da da da da da da

Birthday shout out to Mary Rose!!

This morning I was driving into work and I decided to call my big sister like I often do on my drive in. We started chatting about nothing of great importance and just as I got to work and was going to get off the phone it dawned on me that it was HER BIRTHDAY! I felt like a complete ass that I didn't say something sooner....shame. I am going to phone her later and do a retake. I feel lucky that she excuses this kind of behavior.

On a seperate note....

Pre-schoolers are fucking HILARIOUS!!! Here are some notable quotes, straight from the mouth of babes:

"Miss Laura, I just pooped diarhea in Miss Mae's room". -it was just so matter of fact (the best part about this was the following day when he asked, "remember when i went diarhea in Miss Mae's room yesterday?)

"Miss Laura, why do you have a nail in your nose??". -in reference to my nose ring

"Miss Laura, does Anna have a penis or a vagina?". -i am guessing his mom's in a medical field? when i was 4 i had a peeper and as far as boys went....i had no clue??

For Halloween I was Diana Ross this year and never had so many people comment on how much I resembled my mother! I have added a picture for your enjoyment:)
